Egypt Online Tour Terms & Condition



Deposit & Final payment

A deposit which is equal to 40% of the total tour cost is required at the time of booking. The full or final payment is required 30 days before departure for your tour. Should the tour have booked within 30 days before departure for your tour, full payment is required.

Receipt of your deposit or final payment will indicate that you and your travel agent (when applicable) have read these Terms and Conditions, and that you (and your agent) have accepted them.

Methods of Payment

We are now able to offer 3 methods of Payment:

  • Visa or Master Card secure online payment.
  • Visa or Master Card by email
  • Wire transfer.


Cancellation Refunds

We would deeply regret your decision to cancel your trip, however we realize that there are many valid reasons that this can happen.

In the event of a cancellation, you enjoy 100% refund of any payments made to Egypt Online Tour Highlights prior to 3 weeks before departure. The cancellation fee will be calculated as follows except specified by your travel advisor:

  • Cancellation received prior to 22 days before departure: 100 % refund of all monies paid.
  • Cancellation received from 15 to 21 days before departure: 70% refund of all monies paid.
  • Cancellation received from 8 to 14 days before departure: 50% refund of all monies paid.
  • Cancellation received from 0 to 7 days before departure: no refund.
  • No-show travelers will be charged 100% of the payment.
  • After the trip has commenced, no refund for unused services due to your unwillingness/inability to participate, early departure, late arrival, or missed days on tours.

Special Notes:

  • The terms for cancellation for tours of more than 10 people may vary from case to case. Please ask you travel advisor regarding the cancellation policy for a group of over 10 people.

Alteration of Itinerary

Alterations to your itinerary before the booking are happily processed free of charge. Alterations after payment of the deposit will attract a fee of $25.00 per request. All expenses incurred by our agent in alteration of the booking are the responsibility of the customer. This includes all fees and charges levied by third parties such as cruise operators, airlines and hotels.

Travel Documentation

All clients must be in possession of a valid passport and necessary visas or permits at the commencement of travel. All such documentation is the sole responsibility of the client. Your travel advisor may assist you in applying for the necessary travel documentation upon request. Egypt Online Tour accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the failure of clients to obtain appropriate documentation.

Complaints and Claims

Shall you feel unsatisfied with any service provided, please notify your 7x24 hours available travel advisor or our Customer-care service to avoid the potential for similar problems happening again during your trip.

In the event of a complaint or claim for compensation, you must inform us by email, regular mail, or facsimile in writing within 15 days from the end of your tour. Relevant receipts and substantiating evidence must be attached to the letter of claim. we will not be liable for any claims made later than 15 days after the completion of your tour.


You can contact Egypt Online Tour via the web form from , email or phone. If for any reason, you fail to receive any reply in regard of your tour status within 48 hours from the time you submitted the request for booking, modifying, or canceling a tour, please contact our customer service center at  [email protected]   or phone at  +201274503634 immediately to ensure that we are able to deal with your enquiry under the terms of our Terms and Conditions .

Liability & Responsibility

Egypt Online tour information and tour bookings. publishes travel information and services gathered from the selected quality hotels, air ticket agencies and tour companies & operators. we will not be responsible for errors, emissions or inaccuracies in information provided by third party providers.

Egypt online Tour shall not be liable for any loss, injury, or damage to person or property, alteration of itineraries or cancellation in part or in full, caused by climatic conditions, sea fire, breakdown of machinery or equipment, acts of government or other authorities, wars whether or not declared, civil disturbances, strikes, riots, thefts, epidemics, quarantines, medical or customs regulations, terrorist activities, or any other actions, omissions or conditions beyond Egypt online Tour control. Neither Egypt online Tour nor any of its affiliates or subsidiaries shall be or become liable or responsible for any additional expenses of liability sustained or incurred by the tour member as a result of any of the aforementioned causes

Egypt online Tour is not responsible for a client's failure to comply with customs regulations.

Egypt online Tour is not responsible for the theft or loss of any customer's valuables or items of personal property due to the negligence of the customer.

Egypt online Tour reserves the right to substitute hotels, flights, trains, or cruise ships, to alter itineraries, or to cancel the tour prior to departure. If Egypt online Tour has cancelled any tour prior to the commencement of the tour, Egypt online Tour is liable for a full refund of the money received from the client.

Many of Egypt online Tour packages include activities which require care and attention. Such activities include boarding and going ashore from boats, climbing hills and entering and exiting tombs and caves etc. You will receive help and advice from our representatives but all activities are undertaken at your own risk. Egypt online Tour, its employees and agents cannot be responsible for any action or event that occurs after its said employees and agents have exercised their duty and taken the necessary care.

Egypt online Tour reserves the right to modify or rescind the terms and conditions in whole, or in part at any time with or without notice.

Modification or Discontinuance of Service

Egypt online Tour reserves the right to modify or discontinue service to clients who behave illegally or objectionably toward its employees and agents. Offensive behavior includes behavior which is obscene, racially offensive or of a sexual nature.