Temple of Dakka

Temple of Dakka
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Temple of Dakka


The Temple of Dakka, devoted to the god Thoth, is an old Egyptian Temple arranged in the Nubia district, south of Aswan. Worked during the Ptolemaic period in the second century BC, it is one of the most very much safeguarded temples of that time, developed in the customary Egyptian style with a focal safe-haven and two corridors Take Egypt Online Tour to discover the mysteries of the Temple of Dakka, This ancient temple, which lies hidden away in Nubia, Egypt, is a wonder of design and history, The Dakka Temple, with its majestic pylon, was once relocated to protect it from Lake Nasser's rising waters, It now is still as a tribute to Egypt's extensive past, Enjoy a trip back in time to view the magnificent grandeur of this ancient Egyptian temple.

History of Temple of Dakka


Initially situated on the west bank of the Nile, the Temple was moved to its current site on the east bank during the development of the Aswan High Dam during the 1960s. It includes fine reliefs and carvings, portraying scenes from the existences of Egyptian divine beings, including Thoth, as well as commitments by Ptolemaic rulers and Roman sovereigns like Augustus and Tiberius.

In the wake of being to some extent covered for a long time, European travelers rediscovered the sanctuary in the nineteenth hundred years, prompting numerous uncovering and reclamation projects. The Egyptian government's ongoing rebuilding drive means to save the Temple of Dakka and other Nubian sanctuaries for people in the future and lift the travel industry in the locale, Enjoy an Amazing Egypt Classic Tours in your Next Egypt Tours.

Open to guests everyday, the temple's different chambers and lobbies can be investigated with directed visits accessible. A visit to the Temple of Dakka is an unquestionable requirement for those meeting Aswan, giving knowledge into old Egypt's rich history and culture and the staggering creativity and expertise of its developers.
