How was the Unfinished Obelisk built?

How was the Unfinished Obelisk built?
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How was the Unfinished Obelisk built?


The Unfinished Obelisk's construction offers a fascinating look into the methods and processes used by the ancient Egyptians, who were masters of masonry. Such a big block of stone would have required extensive quarrying and transporting. This is the real size that you will see on your Egypt tours , and it is estimated that around two-thirds of the work was finished when the project was abandoned.

How was this huge Obelisk built in Aswan?


It is believed that the workers first cut a trench around the perimeter of the stone block using copper chisels. They then used wooden wedges to split the rock along these lines. Once the block was divided into manageable pieces, it would have been transported to the river on barges where it was then floated downstream to the construction site. This is just the belief of Egyptologists, visit the Unfinished Obelisk with the other Aswan day tours to tell us what you think.

At this point, the workers would have begun shaping the stone using a combination of hammering and chiseling. It is thought that they would have started with creating a level base on which to stand the obelisk, before working their way up to carving out its distinctive shape. It is estimated that around 20 tonnes of limestone would have been removed during this process.

The Unfinished Obelisk offers an amazing look at how these amazing buildings were constructed. The fact that there are still so many magnificent structures and monuments to see in Egypt travel packages is a tribute to the knowledge and tenacity of the Ancient Egyptian people.

Why Was the Obelisk Never Completed?


One of the most enigmatic and intriguing parts of Egyptian history is the unfinished obelisk in Aswan, Egypt. The obelisk was supposed to be a component of a much bigger undertaking, but for reasons that are yet unclear, it was never finished. Enjoy exploring it on our Unfinished Obelisk tour in Aswan to learn why it is known as the Unfinished Obelisk.

There are several explanations for why the obelisk was never finished. According to one theory, the carvers who carved the obelisk made a mistake and were unable to correct it. Another Egyptian Mytholog  claims that the labourers were unable to complete the job because of a lack of resources, such as time or money.

Whatever the reason may be, the unfinished obelisk is a fascinating glimpse into Egyptian history and culture. It is a reminder of how much we still have to learn about this ancient civilization which always makes you wonder and ask during all your day trips in Egypt .

What Happened to the Unfinished Obelisk?


On the morning of July 21, 2013, Egyptians woke up to find that the Unfinished Obelisk in Aswan was no longer standing, the event that increase the demand for booking Egypt classic tours to see this amazing discovery. The 4,000-year-old granite monument had mysteriously toppled overnight.

Researchers are still trying to determine what caused the obelisk to fall. One theory is that the ancient quarry where it was carved out of the bedrock was not strong enough to support its massive weight. Over time, the stone slowly began to crack and eventually gave way to settle today in its place on Aswan, the place that we always include to visit in our luxury tours in Egypt .

Another chance is that seismic movement could have made the Pillar fall. A progression of little seismic tremors have been kept nearby throughout the course of recent months. It's conceivable that one of these quakes shook the Pillar free from its establishment.

Regardless of what the reason, the fall of the Unfinished Obelisk is a sad misfortune for Egyptology. The landmark was stand-out and given knowledge into how old Egyptians quarried and shipped goliath blocks of stone. Now that it's messed up, we might in all likelihood never know its full story however we can see this extraordinary pillar in our Egypt budget tours .

The Unfinished Obelisk is perhaps of the most secretive archeological curio in presence. It is an extraordinary accomplishment of designing, and its story is an entrancing window into the past. The monolith is an update that even the most noteworthy accomplishments can go Unfinished, and that we should continuously be ready to confront misfortunes. In spite of its deficient express, the Incomplete Monolith is a dazzling sight that is definitely worth a visit simply join our classic package to Aswan, Luxor, and Cairo
